Real Estate Transfer Tax
- In Greece properties have two values: the objective value the agreed/market value.
- Most of the times the market value is higher than the objective value.
- Each transfer of real estate, which is not subject to VAT, is subject to real estate transfer tax.
- The real estate transfer tax levies on the buyer and amounts to 3% of either the objective value of the property or the agreed/market price (whichever is the higher). On the amount of above main transfer tax is imposed an extra tax of 3% in favor of municipalities
- When a property is going to be sold, Real Estate Transfer Tax statement is filed with the Tax Authorities of the property’s location. – The Tax Authorities estimate and decide the amount of the real estate transfer tax due.
- Exemption from real estate transfer tax for the purchase of a primary residence shall only be granted to natural persons (married or unmarried persons or civil partners, provided they are permanent residents in Greece or intend to become established in Greece no later than 2 years from the date of the purchase)